Dhikrullah-Friday -Wadhifat Shadhiliyat
Bismillah Rahman Raheem, in the name of Allah Most merciful the compassionate, in order to become heirs of Jannat, Alwarithin, we have to remember Allah so much on day and night basis without fail, that gives us spiritual upliftment and risen our level of consciousness towards understanding Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Sheikh Abdusalaam Ibn Mashish was taught this Dhikru-llah and salat ala nabi Sallah aleih wasallama ( peace be upon him) by our master Sayidina Jibrael aleih salaam to be recited everyday by followers (Murideen) of Sheikh Abul Hassan Al-Shadhili of Egypt who was the only Khalifah of Sheikh Abdu-salaam ibn Mashish of Morocco. According to Arabic calendar, Friday night is the seventh night of the week. special Dhikru-llah and salat Ala nabi sallah llah aleih wasallama for everyday and in gathering on every Friday night is called Wadhifat Shadhiliyat الوظيفة الشاذلية . Get free Pdf copy of Wadhifat Shadhiliyat in the book named Hizbul Arsh and Wadhifut Shadhiliyat,Download

Wadhifat Shadhiliyat الوظيفة الشاذلية