Rules and Regulations of Alwarithin Heirs of Jannat
Rules and Regulations of Alwarithin Heirs of Jannat
This is the official website of Alwarithin organization, information on this website is verified by the founders and administrators before its made public. Therefore consumers of information and intellectual products from this website must abide by the following Rules and regulations without fail. Founders and Administrators of Alwarithin organization are NOT responsible for risk incurred if visitors and consumers using this website do not abide by these terms and conditions. Contact Us These Rules and Regulations may be updated and altered from time to time only by office of Khadimul Arsh as deemed necessary without prior information to members, or any stake holder.
1. Laa ilaaha Illah llah Muhammad Rasulu-llah is first pillar of Islam and Imaan (faith) , Arabic Islamic testimony of professing Islamic faith that means" There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, any one who has NOT accepted Islam as their faith is not allowed to visit or use any intellectual product of this website and can not become member of Alwarithin organization.
1(a). And for those accepted Islam as religion by believing in the above testimony, BUT identify themselves as an Islamic sect of Shia, Ahmadiya, Wahabism,
(b). Those sects of Muslims in 1(a) above are not allowed to become members of Alwarithin organization.
1(c). Membership of Alwarithin is free of charge solely and only for Muslim Ummah of Ahli-Sunnah Wal-Jammah who recognize and abide by the teachings of four known teachers of Sharia known as Imam Maliki, Imam Shafie, Imam Abu Hanifa, and Imam Ahmada Bin Hambal, those who inherited the footsteps of four guided Khalifas of Islam after holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ( Sallah aleih wasallama) known as Khalifa Abubakar Assiddique, Khalifah Umar A-Faruq, Khalifah Uthman bin Afan (son in law of the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Sallah llah aleih wasallama), and Khalifah Ali Bin Abi Talib cousin and son in law of the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (Sallah llah aleih wasallama). Those who become members of Alwarithin must without fail live their lives as heirs of Jannat by acting upon The holy Quran as revealed Chapter 23: 1-11 Surat Al-Mu'munun
1. Laa ilaaha Illah llah Muhammad Rasulu-llah is first pillar of Islam and Imaan (faith) , Arabic Islamic testimony of professing Islamic faith that means" There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is His Messenger, any one who has NOT accepted Islam as their faith is not allowed to visit or use any intellectual product of this website and can not become member of Alwarithin organization.
1(a). And for those accepted Islam as religion by believing in the above testimony, BUT identify themselves as an Islamic sect of Shia, Ahmadiya, Wahabism,
(b). Those sects of Muslims in 1(a) above are not allowed to become members of Alwarithin organization.
1(c). Membership of Alwarithin is free of charge solely and only for Muslim Ummah of Ahli-Sunnah Wal-Jammah who recognize and abide by the teachings of four known teachers of Sharia known as Imam Maliki, Imam Shafie, Imam Abu Hanifa, and Imam Ahmada Bin Hambal, those who inherited the footsteps of four guided Khalifas of Islam after holy Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him ( Sallah aleih wasallama) known as Khalifa Abubakar Assiddique, Khalifah Umar A-Faruq, Khalifah Uthman bin Afan (son in law of the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him Sallah llah aleih wasallama), and Khalifah Ali Bin Abi Talib cousin and son in law of the holy prophet Muhammad peace be upon him (Sallah llah aleih wasallama). Those who become members of Alwarithin must without fail live their lives as heirs of Jannat by acting upon The holy Quran as revealed Chapter 23: 1-11 Surat Al-Mu'munun
1(d). The Membership of Alwarithin organization welcomes the Ahli-Sunnah wal-Jammah those who follow the above four Imams and Khalifas in 1(c) above and they are known as Sufis because they practice Ihsaan by following the intellect of their teachers of Ihsaan which means "worshipping Allah as if you see Him, even if you do not see Him bear in mind that He is seeing you), That practice of Ihsaan following their teachers is called Tariqat. Those who become members of Alwarithin must without fail live their lives as heirs of Jannat by acting upon The holy Quran as revealed Chapter 23: 1-11 Surat Al-Mu'munun
1(e). Membership of Alwarithin organization is may be joined individually or as family, or as group, or as Community, or as an institution, or as a Nation.
1(f). For Individuals, both men and women of all ages are welcome to Alwarithin organization membership. Any one becomes member of Alwarithin organization by Pledge of Allegianceto Khadimul Arsh.
1(g). One family or families become members of Alwarithin Organization when they Pledge Allegiance to Khadimul Arsh, only one member of a family is enough to act on behalf of entire family, he or she must have two witnesses from the family.
1(g). One family or families become members of Alwarithin Organization when they Pledge Allegiance to Khadimul Arsh, only one member of a family is enough to act on behalf of entire family, he or she must have two witnesses from the family.
1(h). For groups a minimum of five men and women, or men only or women only of different family to the maximum of 1500 become members of Alwarithin organization when they Pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh , the group leader or his/her representative act on behalf of entire group. The group leader or representative must write a letter of pledge of allegiance to Khadimul Arsh. the letter must be witnessed with two group members , mentioning their legal names, Physical address, contact, and signatures. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(h). For groups a minimum of five men and women, or men only or women only of different family to the maximum of 1500 become members of Alwarithin organization when they Pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh , the group leader or his/her representative act on behalf of entire group. The group leader or representative must write a letter of pledge of allegiance to Khadimul Arsh. the letter must be witnessed with two group members , mentioning their legal names, Physical address, contact, and signatures. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(i).For Community, a minimum of 15 men and women, or women only or men only of the same binding factor that must be place where they live or Imam they follow in Islam. For example , we have four Imams of Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jammah, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, Imam Abu Hanifa, and Imam Shafi, so a community is comprised of the followers of same Imam out of those four Imams of Sharia of Ahli-Sunnah Wal-Jammah, either they live in the same physical place or they live in different places. In this case its called a religious community. And another type of community is comprised of believers living on the same place but they follow different Imam out of four Imams. In this case its called Muslim community.
1(i).For Community, a minimum of 15 men and women, or women only or men only of the same binding factor that must be place where they live or Imam they follow in Islam. For example , we have four Imams of Ahli Sunnah Wal-Jammah, Imam Malik, Imam Ahmad bin Hambal, Imam Abu Hanifa, and Imam Shafi, so a community is comprised of the followers of same Imam out of those four Imams of Sharia of Ahli-Sunnah Wal-Jammah, either they live in the same physical place or they live in different places. In this case its called a religious community. And another type of community is comprised of believers living on the same place but they follow different Imam out of four Imams. In this case its called Muslim community.
The Community leader or representative must write a letter of pledge of allegiance to Khadimul Arshi. the letter must be witnessed with two community members , mentioning their legal names, Physical address, contact, and signatures. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(j). For an Institution, it depends on its legal establishment, those with signing Authority on behalf of the Institution write a letter of pledge of Allegiance to Khadimul Arsh. The letter must be witnessed with two Institution members, mentioning their legal names, physical address, contact, Designations, and signatures. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(j). For an Institution, it depends on its legal establishment, those with signing Authority on behalf of the Institution write a letter of pledge of Allegiance to Khadimul Arsh. The letter must be witnessed with two Institution members, mentioning their legal names, physical address, contact, Designations, and signatures. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(k). A nation is defined by its boundaries, it may be a Kingdom, a country or tribe. The leader of the country may be president or prime minister, or the King , or tribe leader or representative must write a letter of pledge of allegiance to Khadimul Arshi. the letter must be witnessed with two regents in case of Kingdom or tribe, and in case of Country, office of the presidency members or members of the same cabinet mentioning their legal names, Physical address, contact, and signatures, and their designations. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(k). A nation is defined by its boundaries, it may be a Kingdom, a country or tribe. The leader of the country may be president or prime minister, or the King , or tribe leader or representative must write a letter of pledge of allegiance to Khadimul Arshi. the letter must be witnessed with two regents in case of Kingdom or tribe, and in case of Country, office of the presidency members or members of the same cabinet mentioning their legal names, Physical address, contact, and signatures, and their designations. The letter must be attachment to online pledge of Allegiance on Alwarithin official website.
1(l). Termination of membership
Membership of Alwarithin organization is permanent since its pledge to become heirs of Jannat and own the title of Alwarihtin. Unless member profess publicly that he or she is no longer a Muslim as stipulate in Rule no.1(a) above.
2. Gathering
2 (a). All members of Alwarithin organization pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh , so no any gathering may be held by members either at home privately or in the public under flag of Alwarithin organisation without prior permission from Khadimul Arsh . To enable attendance of Khadimul Arsh or His representatives, a letter must be written informing of the intended gathering mentioning expected date and proposed address to be confirmed by office of Khadimul Arsh, or give a different closest day and address, in the letter, must a kind of support needed for the gathering. A gathering mentioned may be either religious gathering , wedding, funeral of deceased after burial.
2 (b). Gathering of Alwarithin members must be in accordance to sharia. Men and women must not mix at any cost, and there should me a veil between men and women, unless if condition demands not keeping a veil in between.
2 (c). At gathering of Alwarithin members, women must observe sharia dress code that mandate women to veil them selves with clothes covering their entire body showing only what is permissible to seen by sharia, face, hands, and feet.
2 (d). No music against sharia is allowed on the gathering, no un necessary dancing and making noise contrary to Sharia.
2 (e). No Alcohol or any intoxicant drinks allowed on the gathering.
2 (f). Gathering of Alwarithin members must start with verse of the holy Quran, followed by conveying salutations and blessing upon our beloved master holy prophet Muhammad Al-mustafa peace be upon him ( Sallah aleih wasallama, followed by Alwarithin Glorification of Allah Subhanahu Wataala.
3. Administration
3 (a) All decisions of Alwarithin are made by Khadimu Arsh ( Servant of the great throne of Allah Subhananhu Wataala ( Most Glorified the Exalted). He is head of secretariat comprised of five secretaries:
1. Secretary for Khalifas ( responsible for Implementation of Policies )
2. Secretary for Imams ( responsible for Islamic Affairs of the Organization)
3.Secretary for Counselors ( responsible for Legal domestic affairs of the Organization.)
4.Secretary for Commissioners ( Responsible for foreign affairs of the organization).
5.Secretary for Finance ( responsible for Accounts and audits of the organization.
3 (b). Alwarithin members those who pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh agree to abide by decisions taken by any of the four offices in 3(a) above comprised of secretariat.
3.(c).Members of Alwarithin Organization directly communicate to Khadimul Arsh for their request, and they are served by His secretariat. An official Website of is the main channel of communication to Office of Khadimul Arsh.
2 (a). All members of Alwarithin organization pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh , so no any gathering may be held by members either at home privately or in the public under flag of Alwarithin organisation without prior permission from Khadimul Arsh . To enable attendance of Khadimul Arsh or His representatives, a letter must be written informing of the intended gathering mentioning expected date and proposed address to be confirmed by office of Khadimul Arsh, or give a different closest day and address, in the letter, must a kind of support needed for the gathering. A gathering mentioned may be either religious gathering , wedding, funeral of deceased after burial.
2 (b). Gathering of Alwarithin members must be in accordance to sharia. Men and women must not mix at any cost, and there should me a veil between men and women, unless if condition demands not keeping a veil in between.
2 (c). At gathering of Alwarithin members, women must observe sharia dress code that mandate women to veil them selves with clothes covering their entire body showing only what is permissible to seen by sharia, face, hands, and feet.
2 (d). No music against sharia is allowed on the gathering, no un necessary dancing and making noise contrary to Sharia.
2 (e). No Alcohol or any intoxicant drinks allowed on the gathering.
2 (f). Gathering of Alwarithin members must start with verse of the holy Quran, followed by conveying salutations and blessing upon our beloved master holy prophet Muhammad Al-mustafa peace be upon him ( Sallah aleih wasallama, followed by Alwarithin Glorification of Allah Subhanahu Wataala.
3. Administration
3 (a) All decisions of Alwarithin are made by Khadimu Arsh ( Servant of the great throne of Allah Subhananhu Wataala ( Most Glorified the Exalted). He is head of secretariat comprised of five secretaries:
1. Secretary for Khalifas ( responsible for Implementation of Policies )
2. Secretary for Imams ( responsible for Islamic Affairs of the Organization)
3.Secretary for Counselors ( responsible for Legal domestic affairs of the Organization.)
4.Secretary for Commissioners ( Responsible for foreign affairs of the organization).
5.Secretary for Finance ( responsible for Accounts and audits of the organization.
3 (b). Alwarithin members those who pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh agree to abide by decisions taken by any of the four offices in 3(a) above comprised of secretariat.
3.(c).Members of Alwarithin Organization directly communicate to Khadimul Arsh for their request, and they are served by His secretariat. An official Website of is the main channel of communication to Office of Khadimul Arsh.
4. Finance
4 (a). Sharia mandates every Muslim to give 2.5% of their earning annually as their Zakat as third pillar of Islam. So Alwarithin members must pay their Zakat to Alwarithin accounts for distribution in accordance with Sharia.
4 (b). Sharia encourages believers to give donation as with intention of Sadaqat, any amount of Sadaqa small or big is collected separately by Alwarithin accounts for proper monitored distribution to the poor and those in need.
4 (c). Sharia also encourages believers to contribute on community development with intention of giving Lillah, any amount of Lillah is collected by Alwarithin accounts for development of Mosques, schools, hospitals, etc.
4 (d). Humanitarian response is a separate account of Alwarithin for donors of all kinds to help those affected with natural disasters, such as floods, earth quake, wild fires, wide spread diseases, etc.
4 (e). Separate account of Alwarithin to help those affected with wars, protests, refugees, so donors must give choosing which accounts their giving must be allocated.
4 (f). Separate account for earning of Alwarithin from business dealings that may take place, such as lease of property, profits from business dealings, etc.
4 (a). Sharia mandates every Muslim to give 2.5% of their earning annually as their Zakat as third pillar of Islam. So Alwarithin members must pay their Zakat to Alwarithin accounts for distribution in accordance with Sharia.
4 (b). Sharia encourages believers to give donation as with intention of Sadaqat, any amount of Sadaqa small or big is collected separately by Alwarithin accounts for proper monitored distribution to the poor and those in need.
4 (c). Sharia also encourages believers to contribute on community development with intention of giving Lillah, any amount of Lillah is collected by Alwarithin accounts for development of Mosques, schools, hospitals, etc.
4 (d). Humanitarian response is a separate account of Alwarithin for donors of all kinds to help those affected with natural disasters, such as floods, earth quake, wild fires, wide spread diseases, etc.
4 (e). Separate account of Alwarithin to help those affected with wars, protests, refugees, so donors must give choosing which accounts their giving must be allocated.
4 (f). Separate account for earning of Alwarithin from business dealings that may take place, such as lease of property, profits from business dealings, etc.
4 (g). there is an account for Waqfu ( endowments), In Sharia Waqfu is something established for Support of Islamic service delivery to communities, such as building, Mosque, School, Hospital, Money for Quran printing, income generating properties, etc.
Refund claims
Claims for refund is only eligible to members of Alwaritheen Heirs of Jannat those subscribe monthly contributions. Claims may be made after 12 months of initiating subscription and concluded payment will med after one month upon submission of claim. If services offered include Hajii, Umra, education, for Adult and children benefited you as an individual or as Parent or Guadian the cost of that service will be deducted upon claim of refund, Hajji, Umra,
5. Hajj and Umra
5 (a). Sharia mandates every Muslim to go for and perform Hajj and Umra rituals as fifth pillar of Islam and last one, this is the visiting of holy Mosque of Haram at Makkah in Saudi Arabia for performance of Hajj and Umra rituals. In accordance with Sharia there is only one season for performing Hajj Rituals in the year, its the first ten days of Tweleveth month of Islamic calendar known as Dhil-Hijj. As for Umra , fewer rituals Similar to those performed for Hajj, are performed anytime through the year. Hajj and Umra is mandatory for those who have financial capacity. So any person, or persons , who become members of Alwarithin organization must perfom Hajj and Umra only with arrangements and coordination of Alwarithin. Coordination may be of Alwarithin or services providers endorsed by Alwarithin.
5 (b). Members of Alwarithin organization intending to go for Umra or Hajj must inform office of the Khadimul Arsh for proper arrangements not less than months prier to intended date of travel.
5 (c).Members of Alwarithin organisation with intentions to go for Hajj or Umra but with less finances to facilitate their journey should inform office of Khadimul Arsh for further financial support.
5 (d). Members of Alwarithin organization those who have financial means but they are not physically health to go for Hajj and Umra , and those who wish to sponsor Hajj or Umra un conditionally must contact office of Khadimul Arsh to get suitable persons or persons to go for Hajj or Umra on their behalf, or support those who intend to go but with less finances.
5 (a). Sharia mandates every Muslim to go for and perform Hajj and Umra rituals as fifth pillar of Islam and last one, this is the visiting of holy Mosque of Haram at Makkah in Saudi Arabia for performance of Hajj and Umra rituals. In accordance with Sharia there is only one season for performing Hajj Rituals in the year, its the first ten days of Tweleveth month of Islamic calendar known as Dhil-Hijj. As for Umra , fewer rituals Similar to those performed for Hajj, are performed anytime through the year. Hajj and Umra is mandatory for those who have financial capacity. So any person, or persons , who become members of Alwarithin organization must perfom Hajj and Umra only with arrangements and coordination of Alwarithin. Coordination may be of Alwarithin or services providers endorsed by Alwarithin.
5 (b). Members of Alwarithin organization intending to go for Umra or Hajj must inform office of the Khadimul Arsh for proper arrangements not less than months prier to intended date of travel.
5 (c).Members of Alwarithin organisation with intentions to go for Hajj or Umra but with less finances to facilitate their journey should inform office of Khadimul Arsh for further financial support.
5 (d). Members of Alwarithin organization those who have financial means but they are not physically health to go for Hajj and Umra , and those who wish to sponsor Hajj or Umra un conditionally must contact office of Khadimul Arsh to get suitable persons or persons to go for Hajj or Umra on their behalf, or support those who intend to go but with less finances.
5 (e). Hajji rituals are concluded with special prayer called Eid Adhiya, followed by animal sacrifice for the next three days , Hajj rituals, salah Eid Adhiya and animal slaughtering for offering sacrifice to Allah ( God ) all takes first 14 days of ten month of Islamic calendar called Dhil-Hijj.
6. Fasting Holy Month of Ramadan.
6 (a). Fasting holy month of Ramadan is the fourth pillar of Islam, its mandatory to every adult Muslim without health problems men and women to fast the entire holy month of Ramadan which is the ninth month of Islamic calendar. Fasting is concluded with Paying Zakatul-Fitr and performing Eid Al-fitr. Members of Alwarithin pledge allegiance to Khadimul Arsh, so they must begin fasting when office of Khadimul Arsh confirms moon sighting, and as well break fasting to perform Eid Al-fitr when office of Khadimul Arsh confirms new moon sighting of Shawwal , the ten month of Islamic Calendar.
6 (b). Sharia exempts some people from NOT fasting due to sickness, old age, pregnant , breast feeding, those traveling, Then its mandatory for those who may fast after ending their journey for travelers, after getting better for sickness, and after giving birth for pregnant mothers, to fast days missed during the holy month of Ramadan, as for those who are sick of old age with no hope of fasting, and those sufferings incurable diseases with no hope to get better must pay Ransom ( Fidiya) for not being able to fast. And at the end of fasting holy month of Ramadan, believers must pay Zakatul fitr for their family members including every one in their care, counting including unborn children, Zakatul Fitr Must be paid before performing Eid Al-fitr. Therefore Alwarithin members must pay their Zakatul fitr, and Fidiya to Alwarithin accounts of Zakah collection.
7 Masjidil Alwarithin (Salah)
7(a). Salah is the second Pillar of Islam and the main out of all five pillars. a holly place is built called Masjid ( Mosque) for establishing five mandatory prayers in congregation called salah. There is specific time for each five mandatory prayers, during dawn before sunrise, there is morning prayer called fajr or Subh salah, During lunch time after mid day, there Day salah called Dhuhur, before sunset there salah called Asr, and immediately after sunset there is salah called maghrib, and last after maghrib Salah there is Isha salah that may be prayed anytime in the night starts one hour after Maghrib Salah until before Dawn. Sharia allows to perform salah not in congregation at home, or work place, or any clean place. There is one special salah called Jumah Sallah is performed on Friday after mid day instead of Dhuhur salah, Jumah salah begins with sermon and thereafter concluded with performing Juma salah itself.
so those who pledge alleginace to Khadimul Arsh tale an oath that they will never miss salah intentionally.
7(b). All sermons of Jumah, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Adhiya salah must be from or endorsed by office of Khadimul Arsh.
7(c). Masaajid (Mosques) of Alwarithin organization follow Ahl-suhhah wal Jammah based on the four Imams of Sunnah mentioned before as Imam Malik, Imam Abu-Hanifa, Imam Ahmada Bin Hambal, and Imam Shafie, aleihim Rahmah ( may Allahs mercy be upon them.
8 Marriage and Divorce
8 (a). Marriage and divorce within members of Alwarithin is be conducted in accordance with Ahli-Sunnah Wal Jammah.
8 (b). Alwarithin member must give priority to another Alwarithin member when choosing marriage partners.
8 (c). Alwarithin marriages must be conducted in Mosques or at homes, but not in public place hired by different people for gathering purposes.
8 (d). At every Alwarithin masjid there should Sharia courts of Justice of which Imams of mosques are Judges in these courts, these sharia courts are responsible conducting marriages and divorced in accordance with Sharia.
9 Funerals and Inheritance
9 (a) .As soon as dead occurs to Alwarithin member and he or she passes, office of Khadimul Arsh must be informed immediately to send support to the bereaving family and appoint an imam who must conduct funeral procession according to Sharia.
9 (b). Family of Alwarithin member agrees to sharing inheritance in accordance with sharia. Therefore, Members of Alwarithin must without fail send a sealed will entrusted it to the office of Khadimul Arsh , that must not be opened not untill necessary time.